A priority part of our mission at the Fox Hills Neighborhood Association is to be a trusted, reliable source of information for our community.
To that end, here is some information to update you about the proposed plan to install four 5G small cell antennas in the Fox Hills residential area directly across the street from residential units and two schools. Cities around the state and country have updated their ordinances, which our city can do, to regulate where placement of these antennas should be, usually in commercial areas.
Here are the negative impacts of having small cells close to homes: ( see website references below)
Reduction of property values up to 20%
Visual and aesthetic blight of having small cell placed on top of the light pole
Harm to the environment and human health
There are many who continue to doubt that small cells 5G could hurt people. The safety standard set by FCC is simply outdated and one of the least protective in the whole world, 10 to 5,000 times higher than what has been deemed safe in other countries.

In addition FCCs permissible RF limits have been set without taking into consideration the effects of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation on biological systems. The August 13, 2021 decision by the DC Court of Appeals remands the FCC to re-evaluate their justification for not changing their 25 year old exposure guidelines on wireless radiation exposure showing a “flagrant disregard of science indicating potential harm to children and the environment” The Court found the FCC failed to address the following issues:
Impacts of long term wireless exposure ,impacts to children, the testimony of people injured by wireless radiation, impacts to wildlife and the environment ,impacts to the developing brain and reeproduction. (visitwww.ehtrust.org) for the article.
A large number of concerned residents signed a petition at culvercityforsafetech.org requesting to consider all the potential negative impacts of placing the towers too close to homes (15-70 feet away) and to move them out to nearby business and commercial areas. However, the city expressed that their “hands are tied” by the federal laws and they could not influence AT&T. Although they advocated to move one small cell installation from 15 feet next to a balcony to across the street, it still placed the antenna next to a large residential complex of the Meadows. Our newly appointed Public Works Department Director, Yanni Demitri, stated ” both AT&T as well as Verizon have been willing to accommodate our request to place those new facilities next to parks and open spaces, etc, rather than right in front of someone’s house, if possible”. The process is on-going and we’ll update you when new information is available. Unfortunately, the law does not allow the city to deny the application based on health or environmental concerns. However, visual impacts and resulting property value reduction are valid reasons to re-locate antennas away from residential areas. If you are like others, worry about property values, make sure to send a letter to [email protected] and provide a copy to [email protected]
In addition, if you are concerned about placement of these antennas in our residential area here are a few things you can do:
- Become familiar with the updated news about these deployments at the Environmental Health Trust website at www.ehtrust.org and see link:
- https://www.ehtrust.org/5G-and-cell-tower-ordinances-setbacks-in-the-usa/ for videos
- For more information: visit the Americans For Responsible Technology website at www.americansforresponsibletech.org
- Express your views to City Council by email ( see above email link) OR at a City Council meeting:
Visit www.culvercity.org under the City Hall link for contact/meeting information
- Share information with your neighbors.
Culver City’s
Fiesta La Boo-Lona
October 29-October 31
Veterans Park
4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City
For this year only, Fiesta La Boo-lona will take place on Halloween weekend as we embrace the fun and magic of the holiday! Culver City invites attendees to celebrate the spirit of Halloween with us by attending Fiesta La Boo-lona in costume and enjoying the live entertainment, carnival rides, food trucks, a beer and wine garden and artisan wares! Be sure to attend the costume contest that will be taking place on Sunday, October 31st on the stage in the Entertainment Tent!
Get Ready for an Awesome Experience
Please abide by the following to ensure all our guests from the youngest to the oldest stay safe, have fun and enjoy the festivities.
- Family friendly costumes only.
- No sharp objects, pointed objects, or materials that may accidentally strike another person.
- Costumes cannot contain any weapon which resembles or could easily be mistaken for an actual weapon.
- No masks, which block the view of your COVID-19 mask
Fiesta La Boo-lona Rides
While admission to the event is free, to enjoy the rides you must purchase tickets or a wristband. You may buy your wristband in advance.
VISIT THEIR WEBSITE AT https://www.fiestalaballona.org/home FOR DETAILED INFORMATION!!!! |